Use of logical operators in javascript

Use of logical operators in javascript

There are various logical operators in javascript,

i) Nullish coalescing operator (??)

ii)Logical OR operator (||)

iii)Logical AND operator (&&)

There are more but we are going to be discussing only these three today.

Nullish coalescing (??): The nullish coalescing returns the left hand side if the right side is null or undefined. A quick note, it only works on null and undefined not falsy values like 0 or false.

Logical OR operator (||): The logical OR operator has different use cases. It can be used in normal expressions and it can be used in if statements.

In normal expression, (||) returns the first truthy value or the last value IF there is no truthy value.

In if statements, (||) checks if any of the value is true.

Logical AND operator (&&): The logical AND operator has different use cases. It can be used in normal expressions and it can be used in if statements.

In normal expression, (&&) returns the first falsy value or the last value IF there is no falsy value.

In if statements, (&&) checks if all of the values are true.